Effective, Post-Tax Yield Comparison for UK Gilts

UK tax residents are typically exempt from Capital Gains Tax (CGT) on gilts, while coupons are subject to Income Tax.
For individual taxpayers, it is therefore preferable to purchase gilts with low coupons in most cases.
However, likely due to this tax advantage, gilts with lower coupons tend to trade at a lower yield than those with higher coupons.
This page allows you to compare the current effective yield of different bonds for a given Income Tax rate, helping you optimize your gilt portfolio to suit your situation.

  • This tax regime applies to an individual UK tax resident.
  • This tool is intended for informational purposes only, and we do not guarantee the accuracy of the data.
  • The data presented on this page is not a substitute for professional tax advice, and users should not rely on it when making any investment or financial decisions.